Thursday, June 20, 2019

Return of the Natural

Quite possibly the biggest impact of Natural Penicillin is to be found at your local supermarket

One can be astounded/delighted/offended by the 180 degree turning in the marketing of the store bought loaf of bread, before and after the unexpected 1945 triumph of NATURAL penicillin, and yet never sense it had anything at all to do with that antibiotic.

As Aaron Bobrow-Strain explains in his highly readable “WHITE BREAD”, before 1945, our daily bread was marketed as if it could only rendered healthy if it was made out of bleached flour by professional chemists in equally bleached white labs coats —- working in pristine white laboratories.

However, by the end of the 20th Century, it was now only regarded as truly healthy if it was made out of natural whole wheat, stone ground fresh before our eyes by sweaty honest artisans with funny ethnic names, before being baked over the coals of a cheery wood hearths.

Everything possible and many things impossible are being marketed today as NATURAL —— an marketing position that would have been regarded as absolutely perverse before 1945.

This blog will argue that we should view the concepts of Post-Modernity and The Return of the Natural as being one and the same.

And as my blog posts will show, it unexpectedly happened as a result of one dying doctor’s brave efforts to give public domain NATURAL penicillin as least a “fair go” as the Allied governments were giving it purely artificial patented rival...

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